
Hero's Lore

Her broom is made of Lignia, a powerful sentinent Tree Species.

In life, things tend to repeat again and again until we learn the lesson, but sometimes the planet itself hasn’t learned the lesson. This happened with Denvo, a planet stuck in a medieval era where they are four kingdoms that fought with each other endlessly until they ended up destroying themselves and all civilization.

And it’s a constant loop where the universe resets the time clock to hundred years to see if they’ll be able to change that, but this has been going on for eons on the planet of Denvo. Two beings know the truth about the planet: One of them is part of the tree council. The tree council is part of the universe; it’s not adjacent to one specific planet and holds the wisdom of ages in their Rizoma. The other being lives in the current life cycle and is called Edith. She is a witch from the covenant based in one of the empires she’s 76 years old. She has been a witch and an herbalist all her life she has found love and comfort in plants and animals, but she wants a way out of this vicious cycle.

She learned about this way of the universe through meeting the council of trees long ago. When she was little, she met Calfor, a Ligna Agner Elder, who helped her understand the value of life and preservation and even shared a bunch of his powers. He even gave her one of the highest branches in the bushes. She made a broom out of it to travel all around the planet. 

She currently works in the covenant and helps the land’s nobles with illnesses or curses, but h Edith’s purpose is to escape the planet as soon as possible. She found a unique solution for this: a transition from this planet to a new one, where she can be free of the cycle and doesn’t have to reincarnate again and again. If she dies again in this era, she will be born again as a little girl, and the probability she’ll meet the tree council and the wisdom she now has is slim.

A door opens a portal to a new plane, but the door is divided into four fragments. Gems are in the hands of the four different rulers on the planet. There’s no way they would give away these gems, so she has to acquire the fragments by herself. 

It is difficult for her to trust people, so this mission rests entirely on her shoulders. Today she entered one of the king‘s castles and looked for a way to distract the king and find the first fragment. In the event of a king dying, the power struggle begins, and the other three Kings will start a fight for power and bloodshed. Edith must use her powers wisely.