Madmoiselle Yolanda

Hero's Lore

She’s the queen of spiders of the “El’ Gora Forest”. She has protected her species for hundreds of years. Travelers beware. 

This starts with a love story, a platonic romance between a witch and a prince. She was in love with a prince, one of the land’s nobles. She was only 18 years old, and the prince was 24, but he was already engaged with another noblewoman, the witch’s cousin. She was envious of her cousin and willing to do anything to get the love she wanted for herself. Studying spells and other incantations, she stumbled upon an Old Book called Necro-Living. This book contained different enchantments regarding destruction and victory.

After a few pages, she found the one she wanted, one for a person to fall in love with crazily, like a cat in love with catnip level. For the enchantment, she had to add a dead snake, the venom of a black widow spider, and the head of a praying mantis. While making the broth, she mistakenly changed the page to a different page, The creation of Necro-World. The spell would transform everyone into the content of the broth instead of a love potion. After pronouncing the words, “Thia isa fine lol jok ise trans formil gantz”, everything went south. Her mother screamed and transformed into a giant spider, and her father fell from the window and transformed into a Mantis. The witch, desperate about the situation and knowing it was irreversible, tried to add a spell called NECRO CONSCIOUS. With this spell, some insects mixed the human genes before and became humanoids.

When the Necro-World was created, three main mutations happened. One of these was the spider humanoids. Like centaurs, spider humanoids had an upper part of the body with human features but an animal part in their feet and lower part of the body. Yolanda was a little spider that lived inside a noble’s house. From her tiny eyes, she looked at the demoiselle that lived in the manor. She was refined and had good taste, and also was inquisitive and had to fight for her place amongst other nobles.

After Necro-World started, Yolanda acquired the human part and decided to follow the idea of nobility and bravery. She became the leader of the Spider humanoids, and over 1000 years, she gained control of 10,000 minions who serve her county in a distinguished manner. Her shell is reinforced with web armor she built and colored herself. In her dominion, Yolanda has 200 spider and spider humanoids that mate with her and her only. If they break this rule, she will bite their heads off, so they are loyal to her completely. They work as servants of pleasure (Lucky her).

She needs to raise her children as noble and elegant as she is. The lessons vary from etiquette, different forms of combat, and being able to use all their limbs to eat and write. They always have to stay fashionable and have their webby clothes. She believes by having high standards with her kin, she’s pushing evolution forward with a more sophisticated and much more elegant type of spider humanoid. Her moto is: “only the elegant shall survive. Now she looks to unify all the races of the Necro-World with the spider humanoids commanding.

She is super cautious about who she keeps around as many assassins have tried to attack her but failed to her poisonous attacks and bites. The other night she was cruising in a caravan in the Snake man land. She then reached the tavern of Homus Viper and met Kahul, the last human in the Necro-World