
Hero's Lore

He´s a nutjob creating giant tornadoes in the hills, for fun.

On the moon of Prisma, there are countless magical beings; the most dangerous are golems and basilisks. Vicious creatures that can devour entire villages. humans had no way of protection in the beginning. Some made a pact and connected with nature, so they could develop different powers to defend themselves. A tribe became air masters. They were super strong and could create tornadoes and whirlwinds to push the basilisks and other monsters away from the villages. This created the balance of forces, and stability was set in place.

The air masters were respected and loved by everyone the on the moon because they would travel all over the asteroid to help villages and fend off monsters. Unfortunately, there was a problem. One founding member of the tribe named Ong a fierce fighter. He was passionate, with tremendous strength, but profoundly irrational, and he would get enraged while fighting, leaving casualties and collateral damage every time.

It came so bad that one day he accidentally made a giant tornado that gobbled up the entire village he was trying to protect. He was arrested and sent to trial in the Air Council. This crime meant death or prison; he had broken the law and killed the people he was trying to protect. Before the jury could pass judgment, he freed himself from the chains, escaped into the mountains, and was exiled indefinitely.

After a few years, he developed a relationship with Val’dor, a speaking eagle that was 700 years old. This majestic being has seen whole societies come and go. It saw the development of fights against the basilisk and other monsters and admired how Ong fought these demons. They formed a good relationship and an alliance because they were both solitary beings working alone and faced many challenges.
Ong’s mission was to get back to his wife and the kids. He couldn’t see them grow as he had been exiled when they were little. He was incredibly sad about this fact, and the only way to numb the pain for him was to keep training and fighting other creatures in the desert. He would hunt different animals and ask Val’dor to send the killings to the village so they could trade back for money or other goods for him to survive.

His main challenge was dealing with his passionate nature by trying to calm himself down by being in the desert by himself. He started to meditate and strive for inner peace. Then one day, while he was traveling in the desert, he found a man, and this man was his son, who was traveling to look for different challenges. He was extremely nervous but wanted to get in contact with him.