
Hero's Lore

This supercat is amazed by everything in life, a true wonder seeker. He is omnipresent and drives enthusiasm in the world

In the creation, the moments of the supernova, celestial beings or magical beings were born. One of them was Figaro, a cat made of Stardust, different supernovas, and constellations. He was the pet of one of the Gods before they got fragmented, and during the fragmentation, he acquired more powers and abilities. He acquired consciousness that split between animal and high intelligence. He became powerful and omnipresent, and even he acquired a personality, one which was a little too extroverted.

After e became conscious, he learned about the god’s stories and the heroes. He realized how he was sort of in the middle of this; he could be possessed by gods, was he didn´t like that, not one bit. He wanted a cat´s independence, a cat´s freedom: listen to no one, respond to no one. Figaro is a cat at heart, but his objective is to become a God. To be free again, to be independent again. He is looking for the source of a vast amount of ether to break free from a mortal body

His main objective battles constantly with his animal nature. Being a cat, getting distracted easily, playing with furballs and rolling on the floor, making weird sounds, looking with his big eyes to the sky in the sun. Cats are cats, they will always be a cat. The difference is that he’s a cat with superpowers. He sometimes goes crazy and starts jumping from one place to another, teleporting and appearing in different locations. Once he goes on a crazy spree, nothing can stop him until he calms down or starts drinking his milk.


In the universe, he’s considered the original troller because he loves to mess with people. He pushes or drops their ceramics, destroys their castles, and runs around being chased by dogs. He´s deeply feared because of this, he could even destroy a planet if he wanted to, but he doesn’t do it because he finds them amusing. The only beings that don´t fear him are animals, especially dogs and kids who have innocence. Figaro the troller gets discouraged when babies cry.

He’s cruising now to find new planets, but on the journey, found out another so celestial. Rambolicious the celestial dog. As his natural enemy, he first feared and hissed at him. When Figaro started to run away from Rambolicious, he asked him to stay and talk and share his story. This old celestial had some secrets of the gods, some secrets of the celestial beings, and how to transform the ether into godly potential. Figaro was listening carefully.