
Hero's Lore

She was banned from the circus for challenging her father in a fire handling game. She lost.

About 500 years ago on planet E4rth, humans were in a renascence period, where nobles ruled the land with equal strength. There were different factions: Penguin Level Nobel, based upon the Penguin God; Grand Nobel, Nobel, artist, warrior, and commoner. Amongst the artists, there was a small group that had control over the elements. One of them was FireFred, the owner of a Circus.


He had a daughter named Rubia, who had this amazing golden hair, brighter than the sun. Her mother sadly passed away during birth, so he raised her independently. They both traveled all over the country with the circus members to showcase their weird members to rich families and other politicians. They would do Iive shows inside castles, “haciendas,” empty volcanoes, islands, you name; they were the best. But on the other hand, She didn’t like the circus life, except for the part where she played with fire.


She was a rebel since birth, really independent and curious. By the age of 5, she had already mastered more than ten fire exercises that FireFred took decades to learn. She would always sneak into the buffets of the Penguin Nobles and steal some desserts and chocolates. She would light on fire the circus members’ asses if they fell asleep at the meetings. When the nobles insulted or disregarded any circus member’s performance, she would burn the main turkey at the nobles’ table. No one escaped her trolling.


One day while doing some handling exercises, a fire salamander appeared in front of her. This magical creature traveled centuries through the underground and only appeared to worthy individuals. It had a message for Rubia: “In the future, there will be battles, the Gods will get control again, you have to be ready!”


After this creepy message, she went right back at her father and told him about the prophecy. At first, he didn’t believe her, but her conviction and fear were something he had never seen in her. This fear was contagious, and he felt the need to protect her. She asked her father to train him, but he was against it; he didn’t want to lose his only daughter and the memory of his wife. After a few weeks, her fear turned into purpose; Rubia would train to become a fighter no matter what, so she challenged him to a fire handling competition. They were both on equal footing at first, but then the master of the circus overwhelmed her with a fiery execution and brought ten minor salamanders into the sky, dancing around her and bitting her with their fiery mouths.


She then escaped the circus one night, knowing for sure she wouldn’t be able to return as all deserters were banned permanently. In her travels, she learned how to hunt, have shelter, fight low-level bandits and look out for herself. Currently, she’s in a Fresian country, learning from her Master Wantan about martial arts and integrating them into her fire handling. One night a bunch of ninjas got into the Dojo…