Magnus the Puppet Master

Hero's Lore

He wanted the “Omega” Puppet to be born, one puppet that had consciousness. 

For more than 500 years, the puppeteers have lived among us. They are craftsmen, but the difference is that they are an elite type of artisans. that built weapons, tools, and devices why do I say it like this because puppets have all types of uses throughout history they came first the entertainment for children and little kids they can be helpful assistants for doctors, specialized mechanics for surgeries, or building complex systems and buildings but there can also be treacherous cold-blooded killers with the right tools and weapons added into them.

The main family of puppeteers was the Esgrievous family, they held the title of Master puppeteers for more than two centuries, and they’ve evolved their puppeteer craftsmanship into a godly level where they could make a puppet out of everything. This made society reject their kind and even try to chase and kill them all because they feared being controlled by them.

Getting back to the modern-day. Magnus, the heir of the Esgrevious family, was a boy that had incredible talent and curiosity for building puppets. He had a rough childhood because, on one hand, his family required him to train as a puppet master but also had to hide their identity.


As a builder, he had a unique talent as he could create the best doctors and assassins, but he had one big trouble, the puppets cursed him. This meant that he always heard the spirits of the puppets and the people the puppets had interacted with. It was difficult for him to focus on his crafts and disguise himself as a noble merchant.  Magnus was always accompanied by Anastasia, a deeply loyal apprentice secretly in love with him.  She admired the way Magnus looked at life. He had a Super intelligence and a sense of justice. He wanted freedom for puppeteers. He hated that they had to hide in the shadows, but people would still use puppets all while chasing the puppeteers. Using the creation but killing the creators.

Magnus’s dream is to build the most advanced puppet and show it to the world. This creation would equal a god in terms of the ability to create new puppets and to evolve itself. He wanted the “Omega” Puppet to be born, one puppet that had consciousness. For that to happen, Magnus would embed all the voices in his head and all the spirits of the puppets into one giant puppet, freeing himself from that weight. This was difficult as he had to hide behind an image of a businessman, moving upwards in society.

He was friends with the politicians and all the other nobles of the high-class society and one night invited them to his birthday banquet. As the celebration was taking place, he was speaking talk to the politicians about the benefits of puppets in the world, and how could they possibly work in the future but suddenly, he started hearing the puppets’ voices pushing him for creation, pushing him into his obsession.