
Hero's Lore

Light, darkness, right, wrong, sinful, virtuous, within the rule of the opposites there are dialectics: a middle way. This was the way of Selena, an assassin not hot-headed, nor cold-blooded, a being trained with the purpose of restoring balance.

The old masters, “The Hermits”, is a clan that has been around for eons from before the fall of the Gods. They were the few that sensed the decay of the universe and have devoted themselves to restoring balance since then.  They have tried many ways with various results: from infiltrating the politics of the corrupted nations to advocating or amassing resources. Nonetheless, it appears these methods are no longer as effective. In a universe where might is right, perhaps it is senseless to go against the current. Only the ultimate killing machine will restore balance.

Thus, the ultimate project was born, and a legend will be raised. The conditions had to be favourable, for not everyone was the “chosen one”. One day, in a dark corner of the universe, there was a planet called “Caligo” in a small, isolated solar system. It had three moons, and a never-before-seen phenomenon happened: a triple-blood moon.  You see, the universe works mysteriously, it communicates in symbols that only a few are able to decipher. To the hermits, this was a clear sign that the being they were looking for was born. That being was Selena.

She was adopted by the hermits from her first day of life, and since then she has been trained with the purpose of being the ultimate assassin. One capable of defeating the gods themselves. From a young age, she learnt quickly and adapted to harsh training conditions. The hermits made it so she would excel in academics, arcane sciences, chemistry, fitness, and assassination techniques. Selena is able to wield every known weapon and brew alcohol and poisons strong enough to drunken the mightiest man or kill the deadliest monster.

After years of training have passed, she is now on her ultimate quest: restore the balance. But how would she do that? After all, there is only so much a person alone can do. The task began to overwhelm her.  Doubt began to spread. What is it that she is supposed to do? And why is she doing what she does? Does she have free will or is she a mere tool of the hermits to fulfil her prophecy?

Join Selena in her battle against the corrupt and in her journey of self-discovery. May she find the middle way between both.